Yoga Gives Me the Space to Create: What Works For You?
Now that I’m fully vaccinated, I’m back on my yoga mat, in the yoga studio, five days a week. Boy, did I miss this during quarantine!
The sweat. The breathing. The realization that I am clenching my jaw and then trying to relax those clenched muscles. The drishti, the gaze on one thing. The community. The beauty of discipline. The beauty of just showing up and doing the thing.
And truth be told, I get some of my best creative ideas while I’m on my mat. Kind of like many of us experience in the shower. Maybe it’s just the mind’s way of telling us we need more time away from the phone and laptop. Time to allow our minds to wander, to open up to new possibilities. Time to see a story we’ve been telling ourselves in a new light, to see a new way to structure our book.
I can’t pretend to know how the mind works but I know that getting on my mat regularly helps me create.
I know that getting on my mat helps me make sense of things that don’t make sense.
I know that getting on my mat is cheaper than therapy, although I highly recommend therapy too. :) Especially if you are writing memoir.
What helps you create? I’d love to know.
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