So convenient!
I attended my first HippoCamp four years ago. Four years that have gone by in a flash and at the same time feel like a lifetime ago.
Is that what time feels like for dogs? I've often wondered, being a new-ish dog mom to Lucy, my 9 lb. chihuahua mix. But I digress ...
When I walked into the Lancaster Marriott for HippoCamp 2018, I was just on the other side of a couple of very difficult years navigating coming out as LGBTQ+ and a divorce resulting from that coming out decision.
I had been furiously writing since coming out, trying to make sense of the life-changing experience I was going through. What was it really about? Why had I made the choices I'd made? Why would anyone care about my story?
As I listened to the presenters and soaked up their wisdom, two thoughts came into my head:
#1: I have finally found my people professionally, and
#2: Someday, I want to be the one standing in front of the room, teaching writers what I've learned.
And my friends, that someday is happening this week.
When I next walk into the Marriott, I will be a HippoCamp attendee on the cusp of a publication deal* for my memoir THE ONLY WAY THROUGH IS OUT!
My colleague Julie Artz and I will be sharing our time-tested Query Audit Toolkit in a presentation entitled "Is Your Manuscript Ready to Query"—a topic I know a lot about as both a book coach and a writer. (You can grab my free 5-step Query Audit here!)
I'm over the moon that my "someday" has arrived.
What a four years it's been. Four years that some days have felt more like twenty-eight.
*I'm accepting all good vibes, thoughts, prayers—all the things—for my book deal!
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