1:1 Coaching

  • Clarity Intensive

  • Manuscript Audit

  • Book Proposal Intensive

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Clarity Intensives 

Dig Deep, Get Clear, & Focus Your Book Project 

Best for writers who want to make significant progress in a short period of time and are looking for a custom 1:1 coaching experience. Limited availability.

In this clarity intensive, we will strategize, investigate, and try on different ideas as we dig deep to uncover and clarify the one big story or one big idea you want to write about.

As your coach and creative collaborator, I will help you get clear on the key elements you need to write a memoir or nonfiction book that changes lives.

Doing this planning work first will save you tons of time—and frustration—in your writing journey.

Get clear about:
  • Why you must write this book
  • What you have come to the page to say
  • Where your book fits in the marketplace
  • Who your ideal reader is
  • Which key scenes you must write first
  • When your story begins—and when it ends
  • What publication path is right for you


  • Step 1: Work on the memoir or nonfiction blueprint workbook
  • Step 2: Written feedback + a half-day strategy session
  • Step 3: Revise your blueprint workbook
  • Step 4: Written feedback + follow-up call to discuss feedback and create a next steps plan

A Clarity Intensive can also be used to plan revisions, develop pitch & publication plans, or strategize around other questions in the book writing journey.

What happens after a Clarity Intensive? Next steps for writers include working on their own, signing up for a book proposal intensive with Suzette, or being matched with a book coach in Suzette's network for ongoing coaching.


Already Have a Draft?

Start with a Manuscript Audit | $750

For memoir and nonfiction writers with a completed manuscript. 

An evaluation of the first 50 pages of your manuscript + a review of a Mini Blueprint (a one-page summary of your book).

I summarize my findings in a brief editorial letter, and we discuss the feedback on a coaching call. You'll leave this coaching experience knowing what's working (and what's not) in your draft and knowing how to approach your revision.

Full manuscript evaluations are available for current or former clients only.

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Book Proposal Intensive



Make a Compelling Business Case for Your Memoir or Nonfiction Book

In this package, we will develop a query letter and a pitch-ready book proposal for your memoir or nonfiction book.

Elements of a book proposal:

  • Overview of the project
  • Author Bio
  • Audience Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Comparable Title Analysis
  • Annotated Table of Contents
  • Sample Chapters


  • Deadlines: 8 deadlines to submit proposal pages/query letter drafts for inline feedback (deadlines are typically 1-2 weeks apart)
  • Coaching calls: 8 coaching calls to discuss feedback
  • Email access: Suzette's in your corner Monday-Friday

Option to add on deadlines & pitch support. Typically completed within 2-3 months.

 A Clarity Intensive is a required step before this package.

NOTE: In special circumstances, I create custom packages for qualified clients. These packages are intensive and very high touch, and are priced accordingly. For more information, please use the form below to contact me.

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"Suzette has an innate ability to get you to dig deep so you can turn a good book into a transformational one."
~ Jenn

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"Writing a book felt like mission impossible. Now I feel empowered and clear about what I want to say and how I'm going to say it."

Let's connect!

Complete this form, and I'll get back to you soon to discuss our next steps.

Are you ready to WRITE OUT LOUD? I did, and I’m ready to show you the way.

Sign up to get tools and strategies to help you raise YOUR voice, write YOUR story, and become a published AUTHOR, plus my exclusive 5-Step Memoir Roadmap.
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