Bravery means doing something scary—Elizabeth Gilbert
Writing is an act of bravery. Putting your thoughts, ideas, your story, your choices—your life!—onto the page for the world to see is scary. And it’s also exhilarating.
>> We do it because the work matters to us.
>> We are not hobbyists. We’re creators.
>> We’re scared, and we write anyway.
Ask yourself: When does fear show up in your writing life? What are your strategies for handling it when it does?
How to write: Stop not writing. Get and keep your butt in chair—Anne Lamott
Distractions, procrastination, self-doubt, and fear: all forms of resistance that keep us from putting our butts in the chair and writing.
Resistance is universal and insidious—all writers experience it so don’t beat yourself up when you do.
TIP: Find out what works for you and stick with it. My personal plan for getting my work includes non-negotiable time blocks for writing, specific and attainable goals, and book coaches and writing partners who hold me accountable to meet those goals.
What does your plan look like?
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