We write because writing makes us feel alive.
We write because we have no other choice.
But sometimes writing is the last thing we want to do.
Don’t beat yourself up if you feel that way.
Sometimes we need a specific reason to put our butt in the chair and do the work.
Like finding out a publisher is accepting unagented memoir manuscripts for exactly 2 days this fall.
Yeah, that got my attention. It was exactly the push I needed to ramp up my revision from la-di-dah to full speed ahead. What’s motivating you to get your work done?
Writing a book is hard.
There will be many moments when you feel like you’re fumbling in the dark.
What’s my story really about? When does it start? When does it end? How should I structure it?
Who will read it? Will anyone really care?
But if you keep at it, a magic moment will happen—I promise!
You will see the light. You will understand what your story is really about. You will know how to structure your book to serve the story that you now understand.
It will happen. And when it does, you will know that all the heartache and struggle was worth it.
Stick with it and wait for the magic to happen.
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