Your Story Matters

How to Be a Badass Writer

As the publication date for The Only Way Through Is Out approached (one year ago today!), I spent tons of time on book promotion.

Which as a debut author, was a whole new world for me.

A scary and...

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Why Preparing a TED Talk Makes You a Better Memoirist (Even If You Never Intend to Get on Stage)

A couple of months ago I did something that left me feeling somewhere between a wet noodle and a very burnt piece of toast.

Picture a TED talk, with a Zoom room as the stage, and a memoir writer in...

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Five Tips for Writers to Manage Vulnerability

A couple of weeks ago I began requesting blurbs for The Only Way Through Is Out, my memoir about coming out later in life—which meant emailing authors I didn't know at all or I knew...

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The Crucial First Step to Coming Out as a Writer

Everyone has a closet.

In her memoir The Family Outing, author Jessi Hempel writes: "The more I live in the world, the more I come to understand that everyone has a closet."

I agree.


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What Brave Looks Like For a Memoir Writer

I smiled earlier this month when my business coach asked a fill-in-the-blank question during a goal-setting workshop:

I wish I was brave enough to _________.

Really? My memoir, THE ONLY WAY THROUGH...

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