Ironically with everything going online during the pandemic, many of us are now blessed with more writing community than ever before. Thank you Zoom! Online classes, online writing groups, online...
Have you ever had one of those "Road to Damascus" moments when the scales fell from your eyes and you saw everything with new eyes?
I've had a few of them.
In the mid '80s when Duncan Kennedy, my...
We write because writing makes us feel alive.
We write because we have no other choice.
But sometimes writing is the last thing we want to do.
Don’t beat yourself up if you feel that way.
Tiny Love Stories: True Tales of Love in 100 Words or Less, edited by Daniel Jones and Miya Lee of Modern Love in The New York Times
We pick up books for many reasons: to be entertained, to forget...
My new book coaching clients are on fire right now! They have a story or a big idea they are burning to share with the world. We're digging in together to further focus...
Tools of the Trade:
Dropbox or Google Drive? Or some other organizational system?
What matters most is you have a cloud-based system to contain and organize your writing. Otherwise you...
Avoiding Comparison: The Struggle is Real
When you’re a writer, it’s hard to avoid comparing yourself to other...
Memoir writers need to uphold their bargain with the reader to be trustworthy, to tell the truth as they remember it. See how deftly Ouellette...
Yoga Gives Me the Space to Create: What Works For You?
Now that I’m fully vaccinated, I’m back on my yoga mat, in the yoga studio, five days a week. Boy, did I miss this during...
Guess what happened this week? I got Shot #2! I’m going to continue to be careful—wear masks in public, physically distance, and wash those damn hands—but this is a hallelujah...
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