Your Story Matters

Good Memoirs Are Not Acts of Revenge


Are you searching for your next read? Keep reading below to learn more or watch the video all about this recommendation! 

[Video trigger warning: the recommended book mentions...

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This is What a Writing Community Looks Like

This week in my Write Yourself Out Foundations group coaching call, I had the privilege of listening to queer writers share their dreams and fears about writing their stories.

I heard stories about...

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How long will it take to write your memoir?

memoir writing Apr 05, 2022

If you’re contemplating writing a memoir, you might be wondering “How long will it take?” Roll your eyes if anyone tries to give you a definitive answer. There’s so much...

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Holding Your Book in Your Hands

client stories Mar 31, 2022

This is what it feels like!

Listen to my client Jamie Gehring explain why she felt driven to spend five years of her life on her memoir, Madman In the Woods: Life Next Door to the Unabomber.


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It's Never Too Late

all about suzette Oct 25, 2021

It's Never Too Late

Four and a half years ago, at the age of 56, I left what looked like a fairytale existence and moved to a city where I knew exactly one person.

Some called me brave.

Some called...

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The Writer's Life: Tools of the Trade & Setting Aside Time

the writers life Oct 18, 2021

The Writer's Life

Writers, let me introduce you to Dabble, my new best friend.

Dabble is a simple-to-use online writing tool that helps keep your writing organized.

It keeps you from spending...

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Writing Out Loud: What Matters to You

writing out loud Oct 15, 2021

What Matters to You

Margot, my fantabulous business mentor, is a woman of a certain age ... my age LOL. The other day, we were talking about my goals for my book coaching business and my goals for...

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Let's Get Real: Dealing with Doubt & You're on Fire!

let's get real Oct 11, 2021

Let's Get Real

If you’re a writer, it’s impossible to banish doubt completely. I’m guessing you may have wondered:

  • Is this any good?
  • Am I any good?
  • Am I ever going to actually...
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Readers Corner: Leaving Isn't the Hardest Thing

readers corner Oct 05, 2021

Leaving Isn't the Hardest Thing: Essays by Lauren Hough

Opening lines are critical. Ideally, they grab the reader and entice them to read more. They can establish the theme of the book, something...

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A New Chapter

all about suzette Sep 27, 2021


For as long as I can remember, I’ve spent the 4th of July on the beach, mostly in Montauk, NY. 

For those of you unfamiliar with Montauk, it’s the easternmost tip of...

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